From 13 to 19 May, representatives of schools in the framework of the EU4Youth project: “School Garden” for Agricultural Entrepreneurship from Belarus, Moldova, and Ukraine took part in an educational tour to Italy. Italian partners in accordance with the purpose of the trip prepared the tour program. They aimed to acquaint participants of the educational tour with Italian experience in rural development through a visit to Agro-College, a local rural school, an agricultural cooperative, a trade agricultural fair.

49 educational institutions take part in the 2nd open competition among the rural schools of Vitebsk, Gomel and Minsk regions of the Republic of Belarus, the «School Garden» as an educational platform for modern safe agricultural technologies».


Dear friends of the project "In My Homeland"!

From March to September 2019, the public organization “Green Cross Belarus” will implement a pilot initiative of the “School Garden” project, called “Watermelon and His Friends”.


To conduct an independent external assessment of the results of the implementation of the International Technical Support Project “Development of the Capacity of Family Clubs in the Chernobyl Zone in order to Improve Social and Economic Situation”.

At the end of November 2018, representatives of the John Paul II Foundation - Italian partners of the EU4Youth project: “School Garden” for Agricultural Entrepreneurship, funded by the European Union, visited Belarus with a working visit. During working meetings with representatives of the Belarussian side - employees of the public organization Green Cross Belarus - discussed issues of cooperation, difficulties in the implementation of the latest agricultural technologies and current trends in agricultural entrepreneurship.


Полезные материалы

Comments on some contest works prepared by the experts of the project "In My Homeland".

Comments on some contest works in collage technique prepared by experts of the project "In My Homeland".


Programme of the International Scientific and Practical Conference "Use of Specially Protected Natural Areas for Educational Purposes: Modern Practice of Educational Tourism", October 14-15, 2021.