On March 11-13, there was a meeting of the employees and experts of the project “Development of the Network Capacity of Family Clubs in Chernobyl Area in order to Improve Social and Economic Situation” funded by the EU, as well as heads of the family clubs and representatives of local authorities of Bragin district held at the Green Cross Belarus NGO educational centre who gathered to discuss big events that were planned for April and May 2016.

Over a week, on February 15-21, 2016, experts were holding trainings and lectures within the framework of the initiative “Incubator for Cooperation (Initiatives for the Sustainable Development of Bragin district)” implemented as a part of the project “Support to Local Development in the Republic of Belarus” financed by the European Union and supported by the United Nations Development Programme.

On February 3-4, 2016, the 7th International Conference of Artists-Teachers “Modern Art Education of Children and the Young” was held at the Republican Centre of Ecology and Local History. Almost 100 teachers of arts schools of Belarus, Russia, Ukraine and Armenia became participants of the conference.

On February 15-20, 2016, Natalya Svyatkina, the manager of the international technical assistance project entitled as “Development of the Network Capacity of Family Clubs in Chernobyl Area in order to Improve Social and Economic Situation”, funded by the EU, held working meetings with members of family clubs and discussed upcoming plans and stages of their implementation.

12 professional artists and art educators from Belarus, Russia, Ukraine and Armenia were evaluating the entries. Jury was working from January 29 to February 1 in the Educational Center of the Belarusian Green Cross.

February 1 in the Educational Center of the Belarusian Green Cross the contest jury were evaluating the entries. The jury included the professional artists, educators, animators, directors, editors and journalists from Belarus and Russia.

Полезные материалы

Comments on some contest works prepared by the experts of the project "In My Homeland".

Comments on some contest works in collage technique prepared by experts of the project "In My Homeland".


Programme of the International Scientific and Practical Conference "Use of Specially Protected Natural Areas for Educational Purposes: Modern Practice of Educational Tourism", October 14-15, 2021.