Educational tourism in areas with the nature reserves
of Poland and Belarus
The Project is implemented within the Cross-border Cooperation Programme
Poland-Belarus-Ukraine 2014-2020
Implementing period: 12 month (2020)
Lead beneficiary:
State Nature Protective Scientific-Research Institution “Polesie State Radiation-Ecological Reserve” (Belarus);
Republican Biological Reserve "Dnepro-Sozhsky" (Belarus);
Podlasie Heritage Association (Poland).
Overall objective:
To exchange experience and consolidate efforts of actors in Belarus and Poland for promotion of cross-border educational tourism in regions with unique nature reserves.
Specific objectives:
Target groups:
nature reserves and their specialists in Belarus and Poland;
actors of education and tourism;
tourists, local schools and population.
Expected results:
Sustainable relations and contacts for the exchange of experience in the organization and promotion of educational tourism in areas with the nature reserves, which will be established during the holding of study tours for specialists.
Three educational routes through the nature reserve areas in Belarus and Poland, designed as methodological brochures and guides:
Study route on Polesie State Radiation-Ecological Reserve (by car, at least 100 km) will be designed for students, tutors and scientists (Belarus, Brahin and Chojniki districts, Homel region).
Study route on Biological Reserve "Dnepro-Sozhsky" (on foot, 6 km) will be designed for pupils, families, students and tutors (Belarus, Lojeŭ district, Homel region).
Study route on the nature territory of Upper Narew Valley (on foot, 12 km) will be designed for pupils, families (Poland, Podlaskie voivodeship).
Implementation of a strategy for promoting educational tourism in protected areas as a means of popularisation and preserving them. Among the activities: