EU4Youth and "School Garden" network training organic farming instructors

School teachers from the Homieĺ, Viciebsk and Minsk regions have attended training seminars on organic agriculture organised by the EU4Youth programme on 15-16 January.
The objective of the seminar was to elaborate on the structure, concepts and exercises included in the ‘Organic Agriculture’ training programme guidelines developed by the project. Over the two days, theoretical classes alternated with practical trainings on specific elements.
The training focused on perspectives for organic agriculture and its importance, and what the shift towards organic farming could mean for participants, as well as for their students and their community. Various tasks and games helped participants to see the difference between organic and intensive agriculture, understand the benefits, advantages and disadvantages, and develop a pilot plan for a transition to organic farming.
All 14 schoolteachers successfully passed the final test and were awarded an organic agriculture instructor certificate from the EU4Youth ‘School garden’ project, which confirms their ability to give schoolchildren and young people classes on this topic.
This publication has been produced with the support of the European Union and the Green Cross International. Responsibility for the content of this publication lies with the public organization “Green Cross Belarus”, and it can in no way be taken to reflect the views of the European Union and Green Cross International.