The results of the correspondence stage of the II competition of the project «School Garden» are announced

The results of the correspondence stage of the open competition «School Garden» as an educational platform for modern safe agricultural technologies», in which rural schools of Vitebsk, Gomel and Minsk regions take part, are summed up.
At this stage, 49 applications have been reviewed. Of them:
Vitebsk region - 21 applications from 14 regions (Braslav, Vitebsk, Glubokoe, Gorodok, Dokshitsy, Lepelsk, Liozno, Miory, Orsha, Polotsk, Rossony, Ushachi, Chashniki, Sharkovshchina areas);
Gomel region - 14 applications from 8 regions (Bragin, Gomel, Dobrush, Zhlobin, Korma, Petrikov, Svetlogorsk, Chechersk districts);
Minsk region - 14 applications from 9 regions (Volozhin, Dzerzhinsk, Kletsk, Krupki, Lyuban, Smolevichi, Soligorsk, Starye dorogi, Cherven districts).
The jury of the 2nd stage of the competition reviewed 49 applications from participating schools and made the following decision:
To invite to the 2nd round:
SEI "Bychikhinskaya secondary school", Gorodok district
SEI "Veleshkovichsky secondary school of Liozno district"
SEI "Velikodoletskaya kindergarten - secondary school named after P.U.Brovka of Ushachy district"
SEI "Druisk nursery-kindergarten - secondary school of Braslav district"
SEI "Luzhkovskaya secondary school of Sharkovshchina district"
SEI "Meretskovskaya Kindergarten - the basic school of Glubokoe district"
SEI "Opsa nursery-kindergarten - secondary school of Braslav district"
SEI "Orekhovskaya secondary school named after N.L. Kostyuchenko of Ushachy District"
SEI "Parafyanovskaya secondary school", Dokshytsy district
SEI "Slobodkovskaya nursery-kindergarten - secondary school of Braslav district"
SEI "Starolyadnenskaya nursery-kindergarten - the basic school of Lepel district"
SEI "Tyapinskaya kindergarten - secondary school of Chashniki district"
SEI "Chepukovskaya nursery-kindergarten - secondary school", Miory district
SEI "Yurtsevskaya kindergarten - secondary school of Orsha district"
To Mark with Thanks letters:
SEI "Germanovichi secondary school of Sharkovshchina district"
SEI "Goryanskaya kindergarten-secondary school of Polotsk district"
SEI "Klyastitskaya kindergarten - secondary school named after V.A. Khomchenovsky of Rossony district"
SEI "Octyabrskaya secondary school of Vitebsk District"
SEI "Shpakovschinskaya kindergarten - secondary school of Polotsk district"
To invite to the 2nd round:
SEI "Bobovsky secondary school of Zhlobin district"
SEI "Zalessky nursery-kindergarten - secondary school of Chechersk district”
SEI "Iolchanskaya secondary school", Bragin district
SEI "Malevichskaya secondary school of Zhlobin district"
SEI "Octyabrskij kindergarten - basic school of Zhlobin district"
SEI "Ostashkovichsky nursery-kindergarten-basic school"
SEI "Paporotnyanskaya secondary school of Zhlobin district"
SEI "Utevskaya secondary school", Dobrush district
To Mark with Thanks letters:
SEI "Dubovitsky kindergarten - basic school of Kormyansky district"
To invite to the 2nd round:
SEI "Budagovsky educational and pedagogical complex kindergarten - secondary school", Smolevichi district
SEI "Danilovichsky educational and pedagogical complex nursery school - secondary school"
SEI "Educational and pedagogical complex Lyadenskij kindergarten - secondary school", Cherven district
SEI "Rassvetovskaya secondary school of Kletsk district"
SEI "Staroyurkovichskij educational and pedagogical complex kindergarten - secondary school of Lyuban district"
SEI "Kholopenichskaya secondary school named after M. Bogdanovich of Krupki district"
To mark with Thanks letters:
SEI "Morochsky educational and pedagogical complex kindergarten - secondary school of Kletsk district"
SEI "Zaluzhskaya secondary school of Starye Dorogi district”
This publication has been produced with the support of the European Union and the Green Cross International. Responsibility for the content of this publication lies with the public organization “Green Cross Belarus”, and it can in no way be taken to reflect the views of the European Union and Green Cross International