Gomel region primary organisation of public organisation Green Cross Belarus
A non-government organisation that works in such brunches as ecology, science, education, culture and health in Gomel region.
The organisation was registered on April 21, 2017.
Activities and prioriries of the organisation correspond to Statute of the Green Cross Belarus NGO.
The main area of organisation activity is Gomel region. It could spread out its activity to nearby areas - Mogiliov and Brest regions (Chernobyl area).
The organisation take active part in the projects Mother and Child (Green Cross International SocMed Programme) and "Development of the Network Capacity of Family Clubs in Chernobyl Area in order to Improve Social and Economic Situation" funded by the European union.
Implements the project "From small/local museum forms to broad cross-broad cultural cooperation" a part of Eastern Partnership Territorial Cooperation Programme Belarus-Ukraine (EapTC).