XII International Forum of Art Educators (Moscow, Russia)

The International Union of Teaching Artists invites you to take part in the XII International Forum of Teaching Artists, which will be held in Moscow from 26 to 29 March 2025. The Forum will include the Annual Open Research and Practice Conference "Cultural Code in the Context of Children's Artistic Creativity".

The aim of the Conference is to comprehend the means and methods of preservation and development of the cultural code - education of cultural and historical values as a moral and world outlook basis of the personality in the process of art and pedagogical activity on mastering by students of the cultural heritage in fine arts, architecture and other types of visual and spatial arts. The conference will be held within the framework of the XII International Forum of Teaching Artists, which will include Open Doors Days in educational organisations of Moscow, round tables, master classes, professional communication between teachers from all over the country and foreign colleagues, opening of the X International Exhibition of Teaching Artists.

On 26 March, the plenary session of the Conference will be held in the Saturn Hall of the Cosmos Hotel. The session will be devoted to the actualisation of the theme of the cultural code in art education and educational practices.

The work of the Conference sections will be held in the Centre for Continuous Art Education of INO Moscow State Pedagogical University (1 Kasatkina St., VDNKh metro station) according to the following schedule:

27 March: sections "Fine Arts in General School", "Digital Art", "Decorative and Applied Art and Sculpture", "Plein air practice";
28 March: sections "Composition, Painting, Drawing", "Competition and Exhibition Activities", "Inclusion in Modern Art Education";
29 March: sections "Design" and "Architecture".

Heads and teachers of art educational organisations, teachers of general, additional, pre-professional, professional, higher, private art education, organisers of art projects, specialists in the field of fine arts, representatives of scientific and pedagogical community of Russia, members of the Russian Academy of Arts and the Union of Artists of Russia, workers of museums and libraries are invited to participate in the Conference.

Registration (in Russian)

View the Programme (in Russian)
