II Международная Биеннале графики малых форм
Дом Культуры Молодежи в городе Рыбник (Польша) приглашает к участию во IІ Международной Биеннале графики малых форм «Между черным и белым…».
Срок приема работ истек
Выставка живописи Егора Батальонка
25 августа в Национальном художественном музее Республики Беларусь (г. Минск, ул. Ленина, 20) открылась выставка художника, друга и постоянного члена жюри Международного конкурса живописи и графики "На своей земле" Егора Егоровича Батальонка. Приглашаем всех к просмотру хорошей живописи. Выставка продлится до 26 сентября.
Final Exhibition of the Contest “In My Homeland”
On April 14, the opening ceremony of the final exhibition and the award ceremony of the 11th International Art and Graphics Contest “In My Homeland” were held at the gallery “Nature and Art”.
The Best Cartoons 2016
The 7th International Conference of Artists-Teachers Held in Minsk
On February 3-4, 2016, the 7th International Conference of Artists-Teachers “Modern Art Education of Children and the Young” was held at the Republican Centre of Ecology and Local History. Almost 100 teachers of arts schools of Belarus, Russia, Ukraine and Armenia became participants of the conference.
The Jury of the 11th International Contest “In My Homeland” have finished the work
12 professional artists and art educators from Belarus, Russia, Ukraine and Armenia were evaluating the entries. Jury was working from January 29 to February 1 in the Educational Center of the Belarusian Green Cross.
The Jury of the Ist International Cartoon and Film-Strip Contest Have Finished the Work
February 1 in the Educational Center of the Belarusian Green Cross the contest jury were evaluating the entries. The jury included the professional artists, educators, animators, directors, editors and journalists from Belarus and Russia.
International Art Project for Children and Youth “In My Homeland”
С 29 января по 4 февраля 2016 года в образовательном центре ОО «Белорусский зеленый крест», д. Крюковщина, Смолевичский р-н и Республиканском центре экологии и краеведения, г. Минск, ул. Макаенка, 8 пройдет ряд мероприятий в рамках международного художественного проекта «На своей земле».
“I Love Armenia” Exhibition
Opening of the “I Love Armenia” exhibition of works created by teachers of the Arts School n.a. L. Saryan is to be held at 5 p.m. on February 2, at the gallery “Akademiya”, 14 Surganova str., Minsk.