В Дубровской школе прошел "Рушник-фэст"
15 февраля 2020 года в Дубровской школе Светлогорского района прошел «Рушник-фэст» – масштабное межшкольное мероприятие, посвященное теме сохранения и использования местного культурного наследия.
Пленэр в курортном городе Старая Русса 2020
Старорусский городской центр туризма, творческая, художественно-педагогическая мастерская эстампа «Новгородская печатня» и журнал об искусстве «Введенская сторона» приглашают учеников детских художественных школ, школ искусств и художественных студий, студентов художественных факультетов колледжей и университетов на пленэр в курортном городе Старая Русса.
10th International Art Contest for Children (Goleşti, Romania)
Golesti Museum launches the 10th edition of the international competition for drawing and painting with the theme "Fairy tales in my country", for young artists with maximum age of 19 years. The deadline for accepting works is June 15, 2020.
IV International exhibition-contest of children's art «Opportunities of Watercolors» (Omsk, Russia)
Children's art school No. 1 named after the Sanins of Omsk with the support of the Department of culture of the Omsk City administration invites students of children's art schools and art studios to participate in the IV-th International exhibition and contest of children's art "Opportunities for watercolors". The deadline for accepting works is October 15, 2020.
Rushnik-fest Dubrova 15-02-2020
11-я Международная конференции художников-педагогов
На протяжении трех дней, с 1 по 3 февраля 2020 года, образовательный центр Белорусского зеленого креста принимал участников 11-й Международной конференции художественного проекта «На своей земле».
The experiment succeed: experts from 8 countries gathered their exhibitions of children's art
January 28, 2020, 10 experts from 8 countries chose their mini-exhibitions of children's art works.
The jury of the 5th International Cartoon and Film-Strip contest "In My Homeland" choose the best films
Professional artists, teachers, animators and directors from Belarus reviewed the works submitted for the contest on January 30-31, 2020, at the Green Cross Belarus educational center.
The jury of the 15th International Art and Graphics Contest "In My Homeland" determined the winners
15 professional artists, teachers and art critics from Belarus, Bulgaria, China, Lithuania, Poland, Romania, Russia and Ukraine reviewed the works submitted for the contest on January 29-31, 2020, at the Green Cross Belarus educational center.