
XXII Международный Макаренковский форум и Конкурс

Международная Макаренковская ассоциация и Издательский Дом "Народное образование" приглашают принять участие в XXII Международном Макаренковском форуме "Мотивационные, технологические и содержательные ресурсы школ-хозяйств и агрошкол России", который состоится 1-5 апреля 2024 г. в Москве.

Мероприятия Форума пройдут в очно-заочном формате (удалённо с подключением докладчиков и трансляцией заседаний) на площадках Общественной палаты Москвы, Государственной Думы РФ и ВДНХ.

In My Homeland: the juries of three contests reviewed works of young artists, cartoonists and photographers

The most important week of the International Art Project "In My Homeland" has come to an end. From 5 to 8 February 2024, the jury members of the three contests - the 19th International Painting and Graphics Contest, the 9th International Cartoon and Strip-film Contest and the 2nd International Photography Contest - reviewed the submitted works and made their decision.

Biennale Of Children And Youth Art „The Greate The Known And Unknown” XVIII International Art Competition (Rybnik, Poland)

Youth Culture Club in Rybnik invites everyone to enter the 18th International Art Competition Biennale Of Children And Youth Art „The Greate The Known And Unknown”

The term of works submission ends on March 4, 2024


Admission of works for International Contests “In My Homeland” is started

Dear participants! We are pleased to inform you that we are already accept the works at the 19th International Art and Graphics Contest, 9th International Cartoon and Film-Strip Contest and 2d International Contest of Photography. We are very pleased that all this time you remain with us and support contest with your wonderful artworks, fresh ideas and kind words! We we are waiting for your works and remind you about some of the organizational aspects.

The admission of works for the Art and Graphics Contest lasts until December 31, 2023 (according to post stamp).