International conference on modern practice of educational tourism

Cross-border Cooperation Programme Poland – Belarus – Ukraine 2014-2020
Project "Educational tourism in areas with the nature reserves of Poland and Belarus"
GreenCross Belarus
Polesie State Radiation-Ecological Reserve
Republican Biological Reserve "Dnepro-Sozhsky"
Podlasie Heritage Association
Dear colleagues,
We invite you to take part in the International Scientific and Practical Conference
The Conference will be held online on October 14-15, 2021.
Topics of the Conference:
- Theory and methodology of development and holding scientific and educational activities (excursions, field classes, tours, expeditions, seminars, subject-matter schools, special actions, etc.) on specially protected natural areas (hereinafter referred to as SPNAs).
- Issues of using natural and historical-cultural heritage for promoting scientific and local history research.
- Interaction of stakeholders (organisations, local communities, experts of various profiles and others) involved in the development, conduct and promotion of educational activities.
- Importance of the personality factor and teamwork when collecting information, developing and holding educational activities.
- SPNA-based educational activities as additional opportunities for academic and extracurricular work with pupils.
- Available and possible strategies of mutual promotion of SPNAs and their educational opportunities (including cross-border promotion).
During the Conference, a presentation of the outcomes of the Action “Educational Tourism in Regions with Natural Protected Areas in Poland and Belarus” is to be given:
- Educational programmes and routes to the GPNIU “Polesie State Radiation-Ecological Reserve” and the GPU “Dnepro-Sozh Republican Biological Reserve” developed by the Action experts.
- Educational programmes prepared by Polish partners for the territory of the Upper Valley of the Narew river.
- Methodology of the development of educational programmes and routes taking into consideration the specifics of SPNAs.
We invite to take part in the Conference representatives of schools, colleges, higher educational establishments, scientific institutions, educational centres, museums, environmental organisations, NGOs, travel agencies and other stakeholders.
Working languages of the Conference: Russian, Polish, English.
Organization of the Conference work:
- speeches by experts – up to 20 minutes;
- panel reports – up to 10 minutes;
- comments when discussing – up to 5 minutes.
It is planned publish an electronic collection book of conference proceedings before of the Conference.
Applications for participation in the Conference and Materials for publication are to be submitted to e-mail and marked with “Conference” no later than August 31, 2021.
The Organizational Committee reserves the right to select materials for publication.
The application has to contain the following information:
- Full surname, name and patronymic.
- Country, city.
- Academic degree and title (if any).
- Organisation, position.
- Telephone, e-mail.
- Topic of the report.
In order to avoid misunderstandings, the senders will be notified of the receipt of their applications by e-mail.
Length of articles:
- for expert reports – up to 10 pages (including references);
- for panel reports – up to 6 pages (including references).
Requirements to formatting the articles:
- The text is typed in the MS Word
- Margins – top, bottom – 2 cm, left – 3 cm, right – 1 cm.
- Spacing – one and a half. Paragraph indention of the main text – 1.25 cm.
- Font size – 14, font type – Times New Roman.
The first line contains the surname and initials of the author. The second line has the academic degree and position (with the indication of the office); a right alignment, paragraph indention – 1 cm.
The title of the article is typed after the skipped line. The title has to be typed in capital letters, bold font with a center alignment.
The text of the article is typed after the skipped line.
Photos, images, charts and tables are presented in separate files. Photos and images are presented in .jpg with a resolution of at least 300 dpi. It is prohibited to introduce illustrations to a text file.
A list of illustrations and abbreviations (if any) has to be attached to the text of the article.
Footnotes are provided in the form of subscripts, page by page, in an automatic mode.
The Organizational Committee of the Conference:
Elena Vitalievna Popova, Project Manager, NGO “Green Cross Belarus”, Belarus.
Natalya Alekseevna Svyatkina, Project Coordinator, Content Specialist, NGO “Green Cross Belarus”, Belarus.
Yulia Pavlovna Latushkova, PR-manager, NGO “Green Cross Belarus”, Belarus.
Miroslav Stepanyuk, Doctor, the Chief Designer in Podlasie Department of Spatial Planning, Poland.
Maksim Vladimirovich Kudin, Ph.D. of Agriculture, Deputy Director for Research, GPNIU “Polesie State Radiation-Ecological Reserve”, Belarus.
Contact person: Yulia Pavlovna Latushkova
+375 29 3473166 (A1)