“School Grounds as a Model of a Green Economy in a Local Community” Workshop

The Green Cross Belarus NGO invites to participate in the workshop “School Grounds as a Model of a Green Economy in a Local Community” which is to be held on March 22 – 24, 2016.
The workshop is a part of a pilot initiative “Creating a Network of Innovation and Demonstration Grounds on Farming and Organic Agriculture to Promote Sustainable Land Use, Agricultural Labour among the Young, to Improve School Nutrition and to Get Income by Rural Schools” within the framework of the Project “Supporting the Transition to a Green Economy in the Republic of Belarus” funded by the European Union and implemented by the United Nations Development Programme.
The following topics are to be covered at the workshop:
- A school ground today. Issues and prospects. Ways of integration of a school ground into an educational process and a local community;
- Content and organization of the work of students on the training and experimental ground;
- Organization of research activities on a school ground. A network experiment “Application of Liquid Green Fertilizers in Organic Farming”;
- Basic principles of organic farming;
- Innovative methods and approaches in organic agriculture that can be used on a school ground: crop rotation, EM technologies, modern varieties, non-chemical methods and ways of protection, mulching, watering systems, vermitechnologies, composting.
We invite to participate in the workshop representatives of schools and other educational institutions interested in the development of school grounds, implementation of a network experiment and promotion of principles of organic farming.
See draft programme of the workshop
Yuliya Ruslanovna Zhukovskaya
The Green Cross Belarus NGO
E-mail: sereda@greencross.by
Tel: +375 29 627 7923, +375 29 704 9232